How Pridhviraj got the state award

Jury chairman Rajeev Kumar very well justified the decision by pointing out that they had considered only one film of Pridhviraj- Vasthavam- and were nominating him dumbstruck by the performance.
But what about Mammooty's excellent characters in the three films, Karutha Pakshikal, Kayyoppu & Palunku?
And now meditate this too- Declaring Sai Kumar the second best actor, Rajeevkumar explained the Jury reached the decision after considering Sai's roles in different films like Chakkara Muthu and Ananda Bhairavi.
Considering more than one movie to measure an actors performance- That is nice. But what about the Jury seeing only film of Pridhviraj?
So what actually happened to Rajeevkumar? Or to the Jury, for that matter?
Sources closely related to the field say it is just another simple case of pressurization. Pressure from high places. Mallika Sukumaran, Pridhviraj's mother just found it convenient to invoke the influence she has upon her best friend Betty, who happens to be the wife of MA Baby who in turn happens to be the Cultural Minister of the State.
Sreenivasan, who many expected to bag the award for the stunning performance in Thakara Chenda, too has talked about some highly placed people exerting pressure upon the Jury.
prithviraj is a good actor and he deserves appreciation for Vasthavam and classmates.. really remarkable ..
But anyway he cant be compared with Lal or mammooty .. they are at the excellence of acting ... no other option for them ..
If prithviraj has won the Award in such a way then its really bad !
prithviraj is the one who proved himself in both malayalam and tamil, to judge the talent of an actor one challenging role can expose his performance.
We cont even compare prithviraj with the legends of the malayalam films. they were the gift for the mollywood and raised the heights of the malayalam films. If this is the way how prithviraj achieved this award this award its really a sad news for every one
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